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October / November 2023 Newsletter

Your Club recently hosted an event to recognise a number of former International rowers from the local association and pictured above is Chris receiving a glass trophy from Mayor, Andrew Tripe in recognition of his impressive international service.

New Zealands oldest Olympian, Reg Douglas, formerly of Mercer Rowing Club but now residing in Whanganui was present with his wife to receive a NZ Rowing Legacy Award, and the families of Don Gemmell, Graeme Moran (Union Boat Club) and Peter Lucas, Ray Laurent (Clifton) were similarly feted.

The opportunity was also taken to present Philippa Baker-Hogan, who organised the function, with her Legacy Medal and local kayaker and Olympian, Max Brown also received a glass trophy by local artist Katie Brown, from Mayor Andrew Tripe.

A number of former Aramoho Boating Club NZ Reps, are to be similarly awarded Rowing NZ Legacy Medals and arrangements are being made for this to take place.

Thanks to Robyn van Dijk, William Herd and Eli Kuehne, for their assistance over the afternoon.


Aramoho Whanganui Masters Trevor Rush and Richard Brock Feature at NZ Masters at Lake Ruataniwha

The NZ Masters Regatta saw Brocky and Trevor return with Silver and Bronze Medals after battling very chilly conditions in Mid September at Lake Ruataniwha. Also attending was Sue O’Leary as a coxswain however with much of the second day cancelled due to conditions, her requirements to cox were very limited!


12 Crews Contest the Mitchell Shield in 2023

The Club Opening Day was successfully undertaken on 14 October. A series of heats and repechage saw 12 crews narrowed down for an exciting 6 boat race in the final.

Winning novice cox Matthew Stewart proudly holds the historic trophy flanked by Joseph Dudson (Novice), Lauren Davies (a second time winner!), Lily-Rose Flack, and Kynan Brewer (novice).

Second was the crew of Addison Jenkins, Mae Emmett, Achilles Paikea, Nicola Goss and cox Morgan Wood. Third place went to Jake Newton, Lacy Gilmour, Bailey Matthews, Agatha Doggett and cox Eva Devane.


Tonks Small Boats 6K Race

The final event of our local Winter Series took place on 7 October with 18 crews contesting the trophy. Veteran Kevin Horan, Horowhenua, took overall honours in his Mens Masters F Single with a prognostic score of 89.77%.

Kevin was kept honest by our AWRC Boys Under 17 2X of Jake Newton and William Herd who completed the course in the fastest time of 22:50 for an overall prognostic score of 88.47%.

Third was AWRC Girls Under 18 2X of Robyn van Dijk and Bea Douglas.


First Aid Course

The Club has arranged a Basic Life Support Course from 12 – 4:15pm at our Oarsmans Lounge on Saturday 4 November 2023. We still have some vacancies for anyone, young or old, who would like to participate for the very modest amount of $50.00.

Contact Grader urgently on 027-489-2498 if you wish to attend or would like to sponsor someone.

Having a basic first aid knowledge is like an insurance policy – you hope you never need it but in the event that you are required to use that knowledge, yourself and those you support in an emergency would be grateful that you took the time to become more knowledgeable in this critical area!


On Water Sign Out Board

All active rowers are reminded that Eli and George have refreshed the “Sign Out Board”.

This MUST be completed by the stroke seat of all boats prior to the crew going on the water. This is also to be completed when crews return to the boat shed, with any damage recorded.


Novices Progress

Axel and the coaches are delighted with amazing development of this season’s novice intake. A key factor in their success so far is due to the time given by our returning rowers in supporting this intake by rowing with the newbies.

A big thanks to all who have welcomed and supported our new intake of rowers!


Liquor Licence

The Committee has made the decision that the Club will apply for a Liquor Licence. This will enable the Club to sell alcohol, and avoid the need to apply and pay for one-off events ie Quiz Nights, Whinge n Wine Fixtures, etc.

This income source has increased somewhat over recent years and the annualised cost of meeting our legal obligations in this area will still ensure AWRC can enjoy the benefits of this revenue whilst also protecting the Club from the possibilities of prosecution.

Among the obligations of having a liquor licence is the requirement of having a Licenced Duty Bar Manager during times of bar operation. Note: The Duty Manager does not necessarily need to be on the premises when the bar is functioning but does need to be contactable if required.

The Club is seeking to have three licenced managers, to spread the work load and we are calling for individuals who may be interested in having this qualification, (which could be used outside of AWRC activities).

The Licence can be undertaken online and the Club will meet the pay for the managers to get their license.

If you are interested, or know of anyone who is, please respond back to


External Rowers

AWRC welcomes Ruby Wood, Lawrence Harkin, and Wilf Allison (all from the United Kingdom) as well as Mila Graham and Maddy Cox (who have transferred from the Waikato Rowing Club), to the River City!

They have all now taken up residence and intend to continue with the Club until Mid February 2024.

Any work opportunities that may be available during their time with us, would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Axel Dickinson 027-346-1662, if you have any leads.


Parental Assistance

While our Club provides the opportunity and plant for our many school age athletes to compete in the sport of rowing, we do need parental assistance to enable our youngsters to participate at Club regattas outside of Whanganui. The AWRC does not have the personnel to undertake all the support logistics necessary for such a youthful and large group.

Novice parents have been provided a sheet to indicate availability to assist with these fixtures and returning rowers parents will also be sent a form to complete in this regard. Specifically, the Club requires “Camp Leaders”; “Kitchen Goddesses” (and Gods!); and Vehicle Drivers.

Please don’t hesitate to respond – If we are unable to secure sufficient support, it will compromise the numbers we are able to enter at these Club Regattas.


Loss of Aramoho Whanganui Rowing Club Life Member

Respected Life Member Bruce Gichard passed away recently and was farewelled at a service on 13 October.

Fellow AWRC Life Member Gus Scott spoke as a family friend and on behalf of AWRC at the service.

Bruce became involved in rowing when his son, Jonathon joined, rowing for Wanganui City College in the late 1980’s. Bruce quickly became a member of the AWRC Committee for 25 years! He also was Club President, serving two terms in the 1990’s.

Also serving as a delegate on the Whanganui Rowing Association for 23 years, Bruce was respected as a regatta organiser and chief judge.

Awarded Life Membership of AWRC in 2012, Bruce also had a new four named after him, which has proven very successful, and donated a fine trophy presented annually to the most outstanding oarsman within the Club.

The Club extends its sympathies to Bruces wife, Jeanne, and immediate family Jonathon, Joanne, and Isabella.


RIP Ian (Chick) Watt

Chick was a former rower at the Wanganui Rowing Club in the late 1950’s. He was also very involved with the Kaierau Rugby Club for many years. Our condolences go to Chick’s wife, Eileen and their family.


Coming Up

Sat 4 November 1st Aid Course

Mon 13 November Committee Meeting

Sat 18 November Bridge to Bridge Race

Sat 25 November Johns Trophy, Waitara

Sat 9 December, Jury Cup, Whanganui


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