Welcome to another year on the committee, team!
The Club held its 34th AGM on 24 August 2020 with over 30 members in attendance. Officers elected for the forthcoming season were:
Patron: Allan Luff
President: Bruce Osborne
Vice President: Barb Hammond
Treasurer: Belinda Sherman
Secretary: Grader Howells
Committee: Tom Monaghan, Des Lock, Kit Croxford, Annie Pawson, Lou Pringle,
Messina Su'a, Georgina Ross, Garth Hammond, Jo Eastabrook
WHS Rep: Darrell Monk
Note: No nominations were received for the roles of Club Captain/Club
Manager or Vice Club Captain

AWRC Committee 2020/21:
Back Row - Georgina Ross, Messina Su'a, Darrell Monk, Lou Pringle, Jo
Eastabrook, Garth Hammond, Kit Croxford.
Front Row - Annie Pawson, Barb Hammond, Belinda Sherman (Treasurer), Bruce
Osborne (President), Grader Howells (Secretary), Tom Monaghan, Des Lock
Upcoming events
Next Winter Series Race is Sunday 13 September. AWRC is hosting this event which will be followed by the Whanganui Rowing Association AGM in our Oarsman Lounge. Please support this important meeting.
Whanganui Masters Games - All is not lost for our Masters Rowers, however, who will be able to test their talents on the river as part of the NZ Masters Games at a Twilight Regatta, scheduled for Tuesday 9 February 2021. It is intended that our Club host this event which President Bruce Osborne has generously offered to organise.
Cancellation of Rowing NZ Masters Regatta - This event, due to be held in September, has now been cancelled by Rowing NZ, leaving a number of our Masters rowers in a high state of fitness... They will now have an appreciation of how our Olympians must feel, with Tokyo being deferred for 12 months.
Whanganui Sports Awards 2020 - Unfortunately this function has also been postponed and will now be combined with 2021 Sports Awards. While nominations for the 2020 Awards have been requested, your Committee has decided not to make any submissions for 2020.
Covid -19 Update
We are all aware of Whanganui and our Club being elevated back to Level 2 Alert. All active members will have noted that visits to the Club can now be scanned into mobile phones (thank you Georgina Ross for arranging). There is still a requirement to record your visit in the book in the Main Entrance Lobby.
Active members must continue to wipe down everything they touch. Spare disinfectant is held in the Gym Cleaning cupboard.
Need a row suit?
Members who would like to purchase their own AWRC row suit are asked to contact Barb Hammond by 13 September 2020, to enable orders to be arranged.
The Committee is arranging for a supply of AWRC singlets to cover other members who don't wish to purchase a full row suit.
Subscriptions are now due!
These are now due and must be paid in full by 30 November in accordance with the Club Constitution. Members will shortly receive an invoice for these fees.
Note, the Committee recommendation to the AGM that Club subscriptions not be
increased for the 2020/2021 Season, was endorsed at the AGM.
Recap: Blinkhorne & Carroll Winter Series
The August event was conducted on Sunday 9 August with 26 crews involved, including a number of visitors taking part in a Central RPC Camp at Whanganui that Weekend (including our own members John Turner and Jordan Manville).
While two visiting Horowhenua Scullers took out 1st and 2nd places, our
young composite crew of Georgina Ross, James Clear, Messina Su'a and Joseph
Barritt took 3rd place in a coxless quad in a total time of 29 minutes 5
seconds (prognostic of 80.19%).
Guest Book
A guest book has been provided for any active visitors to our premises who use Club equipment. By becoming a Temporary Member, the Club will have insurance cover in the event that any equipment damage occurs.

Brian Ingram is one of our nonagenarian Life Members!
Brian "Inky" Ingram, looking very suave in his leathers beneath our Life Members Honours Board which bears his name.
Fundraising update: 100 Club Raffle
Grader Howells is again conducting a 100 Club Raffle, profits will go toward new sculling blades. If you would like a ticket please contact Grader.
... If you don't, Grader will probably contact you anyway!
Welcome, Russell Haddock!
Russell was the coxswain of the Aramoho Boat Club "Boss Rooster" Champion coxed Four in 1950 and has recently joined our email group. Welcome Russell hard to believe that was 70 years ago!
Recent bereavements from the Club
Ted Harrison - Former active ABC Rower, Committee Member and Coach. Ted will
also be remembered as a WR Association Official, particularly as a Regatta Starter.
Bob Burdon - A former AWRC Master Member.
Jane Connor - A former AWRC Master Member
These former Club Members were respectfully acknowledged at the AGM and the
Club extends its condolences to their respective families.
Have a good photo we should share with others?
We are always on the hunt for photos. If you have one that you want to feature in an upcoming newsletter, send it to awrowing@gmail.com.