Damn the delta!
It a frustrating month due to the country suddenly transitioning into Alert Level 4 on 18 August and at this stage our boathouse will not be able to become active until Wednesday 8 September 2021, assuming our area reverts to Level 2 on that date.
This Covid outbreak has impacted on our Masters for the second year in row, as they were reaching “a rich vein of form” in preparation for the NZ Masters Championships at Twizel which have been postponed until 29 October, which will mean a reorganisation of travel, accommodation and aiming to peak at a later date.
However, as Masters, they are all seasoned campaigners and will no doubt rise to the new challenges!
To all our club shed users, please note that when active training is permitted to recommence, there are Covid protocols that our Club will be obliged to comply with.
Other covid impacted dates (Assuming Level 1 or 2)
Annual General Meeting – Tentatively will now be Monday 13 September at 7.00pm. This will be confirmed as soon as possible.
Whanganui Rowing Winter Series 9km – 9:30am Sunday 12 September (Start at Racing Course Finish Box). After Match function – Aramoho Whanganui Lounge
Whanganui Rowing Association AGM – 11.00 am Sunday 12 September at Aramoho Whanganui Lounge.
Celebrating our Whanganui Olympians
Planning is in hand to welcome home and celebrate Whanganui’s Olympians. It is most appropriate that this be a significant and prestigious event to acknowledge their outstanding performances. Further information will be made available when arrangements are finalised. Hopefully we can give this our full club and community support!
Upcoming 100 club fundraiser
A decision was taken at our August Committee Meeting that we again conduct our 100 Club Raffle again this year. To recap – tickets limited to 100 at $100. First Prize $2500. A total of 20 prizes so chances are 1:5. To save Grader contacting everyone again from last year, it would be WONDERFUL if you could email awrowing@gmail.com upon reading this newsletter to confirm your support for this important fundraiser.
August winter series 8k
Prior to the current lockdown, the August Long Distance Race took place with our Mens Masters Quad of Trevor Rush, Murray Stewart, James Kilmister and Martin Bridger achieving second place against 25 other starters, taking 32:34 (81.44% prognostic) to cover the 8 km.
Next best AWRC crew was a Mens Masters A Quad of Luke Watts, Blair Jones, Dan McSweeney and Zac Visser who were 5th with a time of 29:43 (80.78%). Great to see Dan and Blair in AWRC colours plus Luke and Zac on the comeback trail!
Part of our history
Our Club hosted a visit from New Plymouth Grey Power in early August. Ewen Noble, Allan Luff and Grader Howells met and spoke to the group of 40 prior to taking them on a brief tour of the Club House which was organised by Agnes Lehrke (Nee Keegan) who was originally from Wanganui East. Agnes mentioned that her grandfather was a member of the Aramoho Boating Club “back in the 1800’s”.

Agnes was delighted that Club Historian Ewen managed to find a photograph of Aramoho Boating Club’s winning Maiden Four at the Wanganui Regatta in 1914, from our photographic archives which features….. Coach Keegan!
But that is not the end of the story!
Ewen noted, and close observation of the photograph reveals that the coxswain (Gibson) was wearing a “Red Cap” which historically was awarded for coxing a NZ Championship Crew. This was intriguing as the Aramoho Boating Club, being only 16 years in existence in 1914, did not win a “Red Coat” event until 1935 (The Coxed Four) – so why would the coxswain have a Red Cap?
The mystery was solved by Ewen when we visited the Union Boat Club last month. (For the August Winter Series after match function). On the wall is a photograph of the Union Wanganui NZ Championship Coxed Four in 1913 which won the title in Wellington. The crew were J.Cotterill, E, Ryland, H,Sharpe, D, Corby and …… coxswain Gibson! (Incidentally, UBC won this title twice more prior to the interval of 4 years due to the Great War, and a further four times following the resumption of the NZ Championships following the War – a remarkable sequence).
We will probably never know the reason why the young coxswain changed Clubs – possibly he moved with family to the suburb of Aramoho or perhaps he was simply seeking the honour of coxing an Aramoho Boating Club Maiden Four!
RIP Richard Nessling
Our Club recently lost a great supporter with the passing of Richard Nessling. Richard was the owner/manager of Wanganui Toyota and the generous annual sponsorship of a Hi Lux ute boat trailer towing vehicle by his business has saved our members considerable expenses when attending regattas. We extend our condolences to Richard’s wife, Michelle, his family as well as Wanganui Toyota.
RIP Peter (Pete) Thiele
A great friend to many, Pete Thiele, passed away on 17 August. Records show that Pete joined the Aramoho Boating Club in the 1963/64 season as a Novice and continued actively until 1968. Pete was elected to the Committee in 1965 and continued to serve in this capacity for the next four years. Pete could be relied upon for his ongoing support to our Club over the years and his cheerful humour and friendly disposition were an integral part of the “glue” that bonds our rowing fraternity together.
Always energised, Pete will also be missed greatly by the greater Whanganui Community as he was heavily involved with the Tech Old Boys Rugby Club, Croquet Club, Caravan Club and Wanganui East Club being amongst the organisations he actively participated in over his lifetime.
Sadly, due to current restrictions, we have not been able to celebrate Pete’s life in a way he would have no doubt wished. Our thoughts are especially with Etty, daughters Jo and Kate, and Pete’s wider family who have lost a much-loved man.
Quote of the Month
From our resident Aussie supporter, Neil Thomson who spotted this quote on a Brisbane building:

Have a good photo we should share with others?
We are always on the hunt for photos. If you have one that you want to feature in an upcoming newsletter, send it to awrowing@gmail.com.