COVID frustrations!!
We continue to be challenged by restrictions with activities being mainly limited to training at the Club. Our usual busy December regatta schedule has seen the cancellation of our local Jury Cup Regatta (a first in modern history), the Johns Trophy at Waitara and the big Karapiro Christmas Regatta, all due to the Delta Virus.
At this stage, the Club has not implemented any limitations on non-vaccinated members or visitors as we await further information and recommendations.
Nonetheless, some competitive activities have taken place over the past month or so.
NZ Masters Rowing Regatta
Brocky and Trevor headed to Twizel for this fixture in late October against 183 other Rowing Masters and combined to win 3 races. Brocky won his G Single scull and Trevor was in 2nd place in the H Singles, behind his nemesis Rex Ryan (Awarua).
Coming up...
Saturday 4 December – Informal regatta at Aramoho vs Union, Clifton & Collegiate. First race at 9.00am.
Saturday 11 December – AWRC Club Day (all day)– details TBA
Saturday 17 December – TBA
Friday 23 December – Xmas Club Row – TBC
Monday 3 and Tuesday 4 January – Hawkes Bay - TBC
Recap: Open Day
Over recent seasons the Club has reinstated internal Club racing for the Mitchell Shield Trophy, which was first contested in 1891, being the first Aramoho based river racing for the newly established Aramoho Whanganui Rowing Club and which attracted large crowds at that time.
Originally, the trophy was contested by rowing coxed fours, and was considered very prestigious as rowing clubs were very focussed on supporting local activities due to the limited travelling outside of Wanganui at that time.
The Aramoho Whanganui Rowing Club now race off for the Mitchell Shield in coxed quadruple boats, and include at least one novice sculler in the boat. This gives an introduction to racing to new entrants including coxswains.
10 Crews raced off heats on Saturday and the final was contested by 5 crews.
Club President, Tom Monaghan, welcomed the athletes and particularly parents and families to the event, especially those from Rangitikei College, who have taken up rowing for the first time this season. He commented on the enthusiastic competition and the support for the occasion.
Aramoho Whanganui Rowing Patron Allan Luff, who also took part in the racing, presented the trophy to the winning crew.

Pictured are the winning crew which consisted of Evie Roy (2nd year rower from Whanganui High School), Ally Bennett (who has recently returned to Whanganui from Wellington), Daniel McSweeney (who has joined the Club having previously been part of successful North Shore Club and Westlake Boys Rowing crews), Robyn van Dyke (a novice rower from Rangitikei College) and Amelie Willis (a Novice coxswain from Whanganui High School) who steered the combination to victory.
100 Club Raffle Results
Our 100 Club draw was made on Wed 10 November at our Club Lounge, with an animated crowd in attendance!
Prizes drawn were:
$2500 67 Chris Osborne; $500 36 John Bannister; $300 76 Philippa Baker-Hogan; $100 63 Des Lock; $100 92 John Hammond; $100 54 Ettie Thiele; $100 91 Tony Hughes -Johnson; $100 36 John Bannister; $100 100 Luke Watts; $100 22 Henry Ngapo; $100 62 Rex Mathieson; $100 34 Crash Smith; $100 32 Steve Osborne; $100 15 Buck Rogers; $100 50 Bev O’Loughlin; $100 59 George Dicker; $100 30 Grant Mitchinson; $100 33 Alan Ritchfield; $100 34 Crash Smith; $100 35 Bryan Christie.
The Aramoho Whanganui Rowing Club gratefully acknowledge the support of all purchasers which include a number of former members to whom I have prevailed upon to buy a ticket!
Results: Bridge to Bridge (10.5km)
This was contested by 7 eights/Octy’s and 7 small boats this year. Our Aramoho Whanganui Double sculls crew of Luke Watts and Tom Monaghan triumphed overall with creditable prognostic score of 72.14% into a challenging incoming tide which took them 45 minutes to complete the race.

Photographs donated to the club
Reg Boyland was a prominent member of the Aramoho Boating Club from the 1920s, firstly as an active member, Committee Member, Auditor and ultimately became a Life Member. Two of his grandchildren, Jill Stedman and Ashley Kent, visited the Club on a recent Thirsty Thursday and gifted a number of wonderfully framed old photographs which featured Reg as an active member, including being in the winning Challenge Cup (Victory Fours) in 1925 and an Aulsebrook Cup Eights Winning Crew in 1942, which highlights his longevity as an active oarsman. The Club appreciates such donations which form so much of the Whanganui and Aramoho Clubs rich history.

Pictured are Ashley and Jill presenting one of the photographs to Ewen Noble.
Wine Sales
Thank you to the 42 members and friends who supported our quick Booster Wine Sales Fundraiser. Early indications are that this venture has yielded a $1400.00 donation toward your Club. A valuable addition to our income requirements!
RIP Ian Campbell
Ian was a “Gold Coat” member of the Aramoho Boating Clubs Lightweight Eight in 1977. He tragically passed away as a result of an accident in Australia earlier this month.

Ian Campbell in the bow seat of the Aramoho Boating Club Champion Lightweight Eight 1977, rowing behind a very youthful looking Bruce Osborne.
We also note the passing of Duncan Greig (former custodian and father of long term member Tony), Tanya Lawrence (Mother of Cameron) and Anne Luff (mother of Nathan). The Club sends its condolences to these families.
Have a good photo we should share with others?
We are always on the hunt for photos. If you have one that you want to feature in an upcoming newsletter, send it to