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Stay in the loop with us!

Each month our committee gets together to speak on important events, topics, and updates for the club. Here you will find the latest news from our meetings. Questions? Contact us here.



Recap: Maadi Cup 2022

10 Whanganui High School Athletes together with TIC Lisa Murphy, Coaches Dave and Allan together with parents Sarah Kuehne, Tasi Su’a, Alistair Ross, and Jeremy Emmett attended the NZ Secondary Schools Rowing Championships at Lake Ruataniwha, in the final week of March.

While the event was compromised this season by Covid limitations, the weather was excellent and some outstanding racing took place.

South Island Schools were expectedly to the forefront having enjoyed a pretty much uninterrupted season compared with their North Island counterparts, although Hamilton Boys comprehensively secured the prestigious Maadi Cup Trophy.

Our WHS Girls Under 18 4X+ of Awen Emmett, Reeve Watson, Messina Su’a, and Georgina Ross with cox Alex Key secured 8th placing overall from 21 starters.

Pictured also are the WHS Novice Double Scull of Bea Douglas and Aria Rice-Edwards who won the B Final of that event.

Georgina and Messina also took 3rd placing in the B Final of the Girls Under 18 2X.


Recent grants

Our Club has received a very substantial grant from NZ Community Trust of $30,000 to go toward the appointment of a Director of Rowing. The role is currently being advertised and we hope to have an update on this initiative by the end of May.

Barb and Annie also worked their magic with Grassroots Trust, who have provided a $5000 grant toward the renewal of some the Clubs ergometers. Well done ladies!


Coming Up

Sunday 8 May 9:30 am – 5K Winter Series Race. After Match Function at AWRC

Saturday 14 May – Legion of Rowers Regatta at Lake Karapiro featuring our diligent and courageous “Golden Oldies”

Saturday 21 May – 6:00pm Prize Giving at our Club Lounge. Pot Luck Dining – Novices bring a dessert item and everyone else a savoury dish, please. Dress – Black Tie - Formal


Renewal of Large Roller Doors

Active Members will be delighted to note the provision of the new Double Storey Roller Door which was installed last week by Alpha Doors. The old door was well beyond its use by date and had been identified as a safety hazard.

The new door is operated electrically from both levels and is considerably quieter – much to the relief of nearby Somme Parade residents who did not appreciate being awoken in the early mornings!

Most of the funding for this improvement came from another grant the Club received from our local Four Regions Trust last November.




Swimming in the river

Our Committee have discussed the near drowning incident which was referred to in last months Newsletter.

There was a drowning a couple of years ago ( a non rower who was using the Clubs pontoons) and this latest incident highlights the dangers of swimming in our awa.

While most of our active rowers can swim and have used the river to cool off after rowing, your Committee have passed the motion “that AWRC does not endorse our rowers swimming in the river, regardless of their swimming capabilty”.

Hopefully this will also help discourage members of the public from swimming from our pontoons, however the Club has no ability to control this, and signage has been ignored or damaged over the past.


Boat damage

Your Committee were very disappointed that the Barry Windleburn Single Scull was damaged recently and not reported. The repairs were considerable and were carried out by Laszlo Boats costing the Club $2500.00!

We do carry insurance for significant boat damage, however in this case a claim cannot be made as the circumstances of the damage are unknown!



Quote of the month

“Be yourself – Everyone else is already taken” – Oscar Wide


Thanks to our sponsors who keep us running


Have a good photo we should share with others?

We are always on the hunt for photos. If you have one that you want to feature in an upcoming newsletter, send it to


Past News

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